Women’s SYlver Tennis League
Formerly Greater Birmingham Super Senior Ladies Tennis League
Established May 12, 2021
Revised January 28, 2025
This league was established to provide 4.0 USTA-rated ladies ages 65 and over the
opportunity to play tennis against people of their own age and ability.
It shall be the policy of this league to abide by a code of honest and graceful play.
Team Captains should be familiar with the following rules of play. Teams or players
failing to adhere to the rules may be asked to sit out a season.
I General Rules
(a) The YMCA will provide 3 soft courts for each match. Facilities should
include suitable restrooms.
(b) The season will consist of no more than 8 matches.
(c) Players will dress and conduct themselves in a proper manner.
(d) Prizes will be given to the winning team at the end of the season.
(e) Teams must submit rosters with a minimum of 6 players 4 weeks
before the season begins. Players may be added at any time, up to 10
(f) Since players are assumed to be at the appropriate level, there is no
strength chart.
II Forfeits and Defaults
(a) If the captain cannot field 3 courts, she will advise the opponents the
evening before the match, unless it’s an emergency.
(b) If play has not begun and a team is unable to fill the position with an
eligible player, it will be a forfeit. In the interest of fun tennis, a
captain should make every effort to field a minimum of 2 teams for
game day play.
(c) If play has begun and a player is unable to continue due to injury or
illness after 10 minutes, it will be a default.
III. Substitutes
(a) A team may use subs from any Club provided they are over 65 years
old and rated no higher than 4.0 (USTA). If a sub is used 3 times, they
are no longer eligible to sub during that season.
IV Guidelines for Captains
(a) Captains do not have to be a playing member of the team.
(b) Captains must have Internet access with an email address and a cell
(c) A complete, written lineup will be exchanged at start time.
(d) No changes can be made to a lineup once play has begun.
2 Revised 1/12/23
(e) Scores should be confirmed before leaving the court and reported via
the YMCA website within 24 hours. Anyone can report scores.
VI Match Play
(a) Match Play Day: Matches will be played on Thursdays at 9:30am.
Match play will BEGIN at 9:30. There is a 20-minute set forfeit for all
scheduled matches. Players not present by 9:50 must forfeit one set.
Players not present by 10:00 must forfeit both sets. The opponents
may decide if they want to play for fun.
(b) Team Makeup: A team match will consist of 3 pairs playing 2 sets,
with a 10-point tiebreak. A 7-point tiebreak will be played when any
set is tied at 6 games all.
(c) Balls: New USTA regulation balls shall be opened by the Home team
on each court.
(d) Breaks: There will be continuous play with no rest breaks between
sets. When changing sides a maximum of 90 seconds shall elapse; a
maximum of 30 seconds shall elapse between points and even games.
Bathroom breaks may be taken as needed, preferably between sets.
(e) Cell Phones: Phones must be silenced on the court. A let may be
called on either court if the ringing affects play. A warning will be
issued on the first interruption, however no points will be lost
because of a ringing phone.
(f) Weather: In case of rain after play has begun, each pair should re-
schedule their individual matches. If no play has begun, the lineup
may be changed for the makeup. If temperature is below 35 degrees 1
hour before the scheduled match, the home captain should contact the
visiting captain to cancel the match.
(g) Sportsmanship: It is the expectation of this league that
sportsmanship will be honored and no foul language will be
acceptable. The first complaint of unsportsmanlike conduct will
receive a warning. A second will result in the player not being
allowed to finish the season or may be banned from the upcoming
(h) Match Tiebreakers: Tiebreaker-In a match if tied, then least sets
lost. If still tied, then least games lost. If still tied then the winner of
#1 doubles wins the match.
(i) Player Eligibility: Any 3.5 player that gets bumped down from 4.0
after turning 65 will be grandfathered in for 65 league play. Player
eligibility is at the discretion of the Board.
Executive Board: The Board is made up of Team Captains, Officers and a YMCA
3 Revised 1/12/23
AMENDED July 31, 2022
The Board voted to allow the YMCA of Birmingham to administer the Super Senior
League under the direction of Steve Faulkner. The new name will be Women’s SYlver
Tennis League (WSTL). The Board will continue to make administrative decisions. The
cost per team will be $25 per court.
4 Revised January 14, 2025
The motion was made to place new players by need. It was seconded by Krista Welford and unanimously agreed on by the Board as follows:
If the team numbers are even, then the team coming in 4th place the season before will choose first. If there are not enough new players to go around, we will draw.